Complaints 1 746


Under consideration
Hello everyone, I wanted to share the experience I am having with the "Rich bookmaker" and thus try that what is happening to me, at least, does not happen to someone else. I have been waiting since the early morning of Friday 05/08/22 for an amount of cash that I want to withdraw from the betting page in question, That same Friday at 12:00 a.m. they sent me an e-mail to tell me that if I wanted to withdraw the money I needed to send them a selfie with ID in hand... On Saturday, after reading the e-mail, I bothered to send them that selfie that in later hours was approved. Later, after talking with one of their agents, as I mentioned, they made it clear to me that the last step, after sending a selfie with the national identity card in hand, which was validated, is that they must verify it through the "financial department" of "Pastón"; that the incidents were resolved in order of arrival and that "they would contact me already". Well, today 11/08/22, after talking about 6 times with support and they have reported the incident a couple more times to try to speed it up I'm still waiting to withdraw my money and / or someone deigns to contact me. What seems most curious to me about all this is that two weeks ago, having requested a cash withdrawal in "Rich", they already asked me for a certificate of bank ownership, which I sent them, they verified and subsequently they paid me that cash after 5 days of the request. But this time, the second time I'm about to withdraw cash, they ask for more documentation and waste my time. In my opinion Pastón or his "financial department" are not doing everything possible to fulfill their obligations and/ or with what they offer. At the moment I am in contact with a lawyer; he has told me that the best strategy is to try to get in touch with the platform and that if the conversation is not fruitful proceed to put a claim in the DGOJ (Directorate General of Gambling Regulation). And if it is not solved either, as a last option, go to court. Thank you for your attention. Greeting.
They closed my account and I hadn't used it for months. I enclose the message. I haven't done anything to get it shut down for me
Administrator's comment
We cannot help as Betfair is not a bookmaker that collaborates with Innovate Change.