Tips and tricks for analyzing football matches

When it comes to betting success, leaving the smallest margin to chance is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the matches before opting for one option or another. Despite everything, studying the game and the previous results of the teams will not guarantee us anything, but it helps to avoid wrong forecasts that at first hand might seem more interesting to us than they really were.

For example, one of the first mistakes that is usually made is overconfidence about the name of the team. We must not forget that, teams like Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City, Liverpool, Juve, PSG or Bayern, also lose. In addition, these clubs can drag bad streaks of play, reaping victories by the slightest or "chance" or with injuries of important players. So, analyzing how they are playing, if the results are a consequence of the game or if all their players will be available, greatly minimizes the margins of error.

But what more mistakes can be made?

The importance of motivation

In football, including women's football, the desire to win is everything. If the match is not relevant to the tournament being played (a sixth UCL matchday where the group is already defined in its entirety, League matches when there are no longer possible position changes,...), betting on them becomes much more complicated, because the possibility that one of the teams will not compete 100% modifies all possible scenarios.

Always keep an eye on the calendar

It is not only the match that is being analyzed that matters, but those around it, both before and after. If they come from playing a demanding match or if half a season is played within 2 days, it is possible that the lineup of that team in the match you analyze will not be the usual one, since the coach will give breaks.

Control the alignments

It is essential to know the usual compositions of the teams, not only for a match, but what would be the standard for the entire season. Thus, you will be able to know if the coach is experiencing or supplying bad moments of some players.

You will also have to control which players are the first to be substituted. Knowing which are the first changes that the coach usually introduces will allow you to control which revulsives will enter first and in what ways the matches will change. Although, of course, all this on paper...

Obviously, injuries and penalties are two basic aspects to control. Knowing which regular player will not be able to play is essential to know where the team in question will weaken.

As for signings, being up to date in the winter market is also very important, because a specific team can be masterfully strengthened or lose its key player ahead of the second round of the tournament. It is also important to know if a player is negotiating with another club, because his motivation for the current team could be diminished, even his participation in certain meetings.

State of form

The state of form of a team consists of seeing its performance in the last 5 or 10 matches. An analysis of these last matches allows us to observe how their game has been in recent dates and allows us to eliminate from the equations the first matches of the season, which will often be so far away that they will be unrepresentative of today.

We have to keep in mind that the analyzes so short in time usually correspond to the streaks, and that they finally end up breaking. Whether positive or negative, they should not polarize our opinion to the extreme.

Rumors, rumors...

It should not be ruled out that, although they do not have much basis, rumors may provide some information. Moves between players and technical team, fights, night outings... Footballers are people and yellowness also splashes on them. Keeping abreast of everything that happens in a locker room (even what happens once they leave it) helps to minimize the risks of bias.


Having the school statistics at hand is also quite good. Knowing his card numbers, his way of refereeing and asking us how he will be able to lead the match helps to know how many interruptions there could be, as well as who will benefit most from the referee's level of permissiveness.

Therefore, there are many data to take into account when we start studying an encounter. Once we have developed our probability percentages for each event, it will be time to compare it with the odds offered by the bookmakers, to assess what our bet will be on that match.

Published by:

Ines Ledo
Editor of the Innovate Change