Schalke 04.Evolution - Unicorns of Love: Gatsby eSports forecast

Gatsby recommends us an eSports forecast.


In this forecast we bet that Schalke 04.Evolution will get the victory in the game that will face Unicorns of Love belonging to the Prime League Summer.

The main arguments of the forecast are as follows:

- First of all it is necessary to explain what we are betting on, the League Of Legends is a 5 against 5 game in which the objective is to knock down the rival base and for this you have to break before some towers that are on the map protecting the nexus.The map is divided into three lanes where the characters of each team are placed, usually one player is placed in the top lane, one in the middle and two in the bottom, while the other player goes around the jungle and helps the three lines.In addition, it is necessary to comment that different neutral objectives, dragons and barons, are appearing on the map, which grant benefits to the characters of the team that kills them.

- This time we bet that Schalke 04.Evolution will get the victory in the game that will pit them against Unicorns of Love.We are going to the first division of Germany, one of the most powerful leagues at the dollar level, and where two teams that should finish the season at the top of the table will face, on the one hand Unicorns of Love that has right now a balance of 8 wins and 3 losses and on the other side Schalke 04.Evolution that has a balance of 7 wins and 4 losses.Despite the fact that right now Unicorns of Love is ahead in the standings I think they should finish the regular season below Schalke 04, a team that has better players and that I think should end up imposing itself today for everything that we will comment below.

- We have to start by saying that in the first round Unicorns of Love took the victory, however, there are several things to comment on that game and that they should change today, starting with the change they have made in the jungle sending Gilius to the LEC team and lowering Lurox to the academy team, in a change that seems better to me since Gilius is a player who plays a fairly small number of champions and that he is excessively aggressive which causes that many times the game is a coinflip depending on whether some move goes well or not aggressive in the first few minutes.The Schalke team I think improves a lot with Lurox and they have been training with him for more than a week because in the previous week they played both games with Lurox and he is a player who has already trained with them throughout the previous season so there are no communication or adaptation problems, they have known each other for quite a while and have played a lot together.As for the game I was commenting on, it must be said that the composition of Unicorns of Love was much better, Schalke had it very complicated to execute the composition they had chosen and despite this they were able to maintain the balance in the game until the 25th minute recovering disadvantages on several occasions and simply after the nashor they had nothing to do and ended up losing.

The key I think is in the central street where Sertuss is much superior to EnvyCarry, the Schalke midlaner already demonstrated in this game of the first round that he is above his rival and got much more farming in a game that he had a lot against and even getting a fairly simple solokill.I think that if Schalke plays well and selects good champions in the draft phase the difference of the central street should end up moving to the other lines, winning the game from the central street is the easiest thing in this game and I think that with the difference that exists between both Schalke should take the victory today.

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Schalke 04.Evolution wins

Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

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Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

All the time
Sportsbook: 358
185 / 2 / 170
GNAW: +1.5 %
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Schalke 04.Evolution wins

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