Origin - SK Gaming: Gatsby eSports forecast

Gatsby recommends us an eSports forecast.

In this forecast we bet that SK Gaming will be able to kill the first dragon in the game that will face Origin belonging to the LEC Summer.

The main arguments of the forecast are as follows:

- First of all it is necessary to explain what we are betting on, the League Of Legends is a 5 against 5 game in which the objective is to knock down the rival base and for this you have to break before some towers that are on the map protecting the nexus.

The map is divided into three lanes where the characters of each team are placed, usually one player is placed in the top lane, one in the middle and two in the bottom, while the other player goes around the jungle and helps the three lines.

In addition, it is necessary to comment that different neutral objectives, dragons and barons, are appearing on the map, which grant benefits to the characters of the team that kills them.

- This time we bet that SK Gaming will be able to kill the first dragon in the game that will face Origin.

First day of the summer season where we find Origen who has not changed any of their pieces since the spring season, where they achieved the third position and hope to continue growing as a team, and SK Gaming who after a rather loose season have decided to change their midlaner to the toplaner position and sign a new midlaner, Zazee, who in principle should improve what they had so far if he continues to maintain the level that was seen during the spring season in the German league as well as in the Dollarpean Masters.

This bet is more to go against Origen than not in favor of SK Gaming in the aspect of the early dragons so I think that the change of SK Gaming may cause more uncertainty on his side but it should be clear how Origen is going to play which is what he has been doing for more than a year.

- Well, the Origin team has been playing the same style of game for more than a year now, it is a team that does not risk anything in the first minutes of the game, prefers to concede neutral objectives and play calmly to get to climb and later play the map better than its rival as well as destroy them in group fights, we could say that it is a very passive style of play, without fights and that simply seeks to control the map.

This is why the Origin numbers regarding dragons in the early game are horrible, in the spring season they managed only 0.33 dragons on average in the first 15 minutes. To understand this statistic you have to understand that after 15 minutes up to 2 dragons have already left and therefore this means that they only got 1 out of every 6 dragons that came out, a ridiculously low figure and that is by far the lowest in the entire league.

Anyway it seems obvious that if they have not already changed this style of game they are not going to do it now, they have been third in the league playing like this so it doesn't make much sense to change the style when it is working for you, they sacrifice these early goals to end up winning later so it is something that is profitable for them.

To this we have to add that SK Gaming is an inferior team and that most of the time what these types of teams do is try to speed up the games, take early game champions and in this way fight all the early game objectives to see if in this way they can win by achieving an advantage in the early game and snowballing the advantage, so I think the normal thing would be for them to answer that first dragon and the 2.62 quota is absolute madness for an objective to which Origin gives so little priority.

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SK Gaming will kill the first dragon

Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

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Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

All the time
Sportsbook: 358
185 / 2 / 170
GNAW: +1.5 %
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SK Gaming will kill the first dragon

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