Misfits - SK Gaming: Gatsby eSports forecast

Gatsby recommends us an eSports forecast.


In this forecast we bet that Misfits will get the victory in the game that will face SK Gaming belonging to the LEC Summer.

The main arguments of the forecast are as follows:

- First of all it is necessary to explain what we are betting on, the League Of Legends is a 5 against 5 game in which the objective is to knock down the rival base and for this you have to break before some towers that are on the map protecting the nexus.

The map is divided into three lanes where the characters of each team are placed, usually one player is placed in the top lane, one in the middle and two in the bottom, while the other player goes around the jungle and helps the three lines.

In addition, it is necessary to comment that different neutral objectives, dragons and barons, are appearing on the map, which grant benefits to the characters of the team that kills them.

- This time we bet that Misfits will get the victory in the game that will face them against SK Gaming.We are already entering the key weeks of the LEC, there are only two weeks left where 5 games will be played that will decide absolutely everything for most teams, so you get an idea between the third classified and the ninth there is right now a difference of only 2 victories so the equality is maximum between these teams and the tension will also be very high for the players who play the whole season in these two weeks.Right now Misfits starts from the bottom with a balance of 5 wins and 8 losses while SK Gaming is one above with a balance of 7 wins and 6 losses, but as I say, the equality between these teams has been maximum and although right now SK Gaming is up it can perfectly finish down and no one would be surprised.

- The most important thing here is that Misfits has finally made the change he had to make, I commented on it at the beginning of the season when they changed to support Denyk for Doss, the change was basically made because Kobbe, the newly signed adcarry, preferred to play with Doss than with Denyk, both Kobbe and Doss are Norwegian and I guess that should have been seen as something favorable since the positions of adcarry and support are the ones that need more synergy.However, on an individual level I think it has become clear that Doss is quite below Denyk and not only on an individual level but precisely what Denyk provided was a much better map reading than the one he does Doss.La the position of the support in this game is in charge in the vast majority of cases of ordering the team, they place the vision that they are going to have and in general they are the ones who take control of the team from the 12-15 minute when the lines phase is broken.

What we have seen this season is that Misfits have missed 3-4 games that they had won by errors in the minute 30-35 and that although the level of the team is quite good these failures have condemned them and make them now be far below what they should.Misfits with Denyk in the spring season, and with a much worse adcarry than Kobbe, ended up with a balance of 10-8, although now it seems almost impossible to match this record I think that in these last two weeks with the change of Denyk it should be a team that goes up and above all that does not miss so much in the mid-late game.Es this is why I think that the favorite here should be Misfits that with the change they make for me they will become a much better team than they had been.

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Win Misfits

Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

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Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

All the time
Sportsbook: 358
185 / 2 / 170
GNAW: +1.5 %
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