Cristina Romero: "One thing we always recommend to our clients: the 'act global think local'"

About the expert:

Graduated in Law and Business Administration and Management, since 2011 she has been a partner at LOYRA - Abogados y Asesores (responsible for the international and corporate and financial operations areas).

He is also a member of the advisory board of the IAGA (International Association of Gaming Industry Advisors), of IMGL (International Association of Masters in Gaming Legislation), as well as a member of the editorial board of Gaming Law Review and Economics. In 2014 she was recognized by Global Gaming Business among the 40 emerging leaders under 40.

- First of all, let's talk a little about you. Who is Cristina Romero? how did you end up so involved in the gaming industry internationally?

- I started in the more financial world (I studied the double degree) in investment banking in London, then moving to an English office. The theme of the “game" came later with my incorporation into LOYRA, founded by my father. It seemed to me a great challenge to be able to develop the most "transactional" part of the firm, which, at that time was more of a regulatory profile, and 10 years later, here we are! LOYRA has always been very international with a special focus on New Zealand.

- At LOYRA Abogados you work with numerous operators in New Zealand, what exactly do you do for them?

- Not only in New Zealand, but I would tell you that predominantly from abroad. We work with operators interested in expanding their base to other jurisdictions - we help them with regulatory strategy, licensing, possible partnerships with local operators and M&A opportunities, if applicable. We try to approach it in a very "360 degrees" way since we team up with financial advisors and consultants specialists in the sector.

We help them to "disembark” in countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Panama and now, perhaps, Brazil and we give them a "feeling” of how the market is, what is the best strategy, etc.

I can not mention anyone specific, for confidentiality, but we work with many of the “big” in addition to manufacturers, B2B suppliers and lately with investment funds and institutional investors interested in the industry.

- You also work with international operators, which country or countries are growing the most in the gaming sector in recent years? Where do you think the future ”boom" of online gambling may lie?

- Lately we are advising a lot in Mexico, where we have a wide presence, as well as in the Province and City of Buenos Aires, Panama and Colombia.

We think Peru is going to be a super interesting opportunity (there is already movement), followed perhaps by Chile and de... Brazil, that big unknown! We are also seeing activity towards Eastern Dollarpa (Baltics, Romania, etc.).

- What differences do you notice with respect to New Zealand?

Both in LATAM (which we never want to call a “region” because each country is truly a world) and in other jurisdictions it is very important to focus on the local mentality.

The difference with New Zealand is that not everything is so regulated (for better and for worse) and there is a lot to do, since the industry (at least online) is much less developed, so customers need more support to adapt and evaluate their best options.

Each country has its idiosyncrasies - what's more, it's one thing we always recommend to our clients: the “act global think local”.