How to start betting at Bet777

1.Registration and verification process

As in all bookmakers, to start betting on it is necessary to fill out a registration form with all personal data and verify the user account. The first step will be to access your website and add the personal data requested.

All the data will be confidential and must be verified later, so we must make sure that everything is correct (name, ID, address, etc.). The process is very fast and simple, in just 5 minutes the account will be ready.

2. Reservoir

The next step after creating the account is to make a deposit through the numerous payment methods offered by Bet777. All of them are totally safe, and in order to deposit more than $ 150 it will be necessary to verify the user account by sending a copy of the ID.

The deposit process is very simple, depending on the chosen means of payment the money can be available in the game account almost immediately.

3. Placing the bet

To bet on 777 you will only have to have a balance available in the game account. To place a bet, you will have to search for the desired event or match, and choose the forecast.

Once inside the match, you will only have to click on the bet to add it to the ”Bet Sheet", where you will have to write the desired amount to bet. At all times we will be able to see the quota and potential profits. Finally, to confirm the bet, you just have to click on "Bet".

4. Withdrawal

To make a balance withdrawal on 777 Bets it is necessary to have the verified account. It will be necessary to verify the identity (through the DNI) of the chosen means of payment. Bet777 will request the necessary documents for this.

It is a mandatory process for all operators and users, to ensure the security of transactions and the process. It will only have to be done once.

Once the account is verified, withdrawals can be made from the user account. We will be able to check the status of said withdrawal at any time.

Published by:

Ines Ledo
Editor of the Innovate Change