

December 3, 2021, 17:31

I made a withdrawal of 300 NZD and mrgreen has already rejected me: - Certificate of ownership of bank account - Registration - Water bill - Electricity bill - Garbage bill What else do I have to do?

Amount: 300 $
Administrator's comment
We have no response from the user.
Antxon P
Complaints manager
Good afternoon. Do you have any news?
Antxon P
Complaints manager
Good afternoon. In order to help you, we need to know the reason for the rejection. Ask them if they need any more documents or if there are any incorrect ones.
Hi Antxon, I'm told this:
Hello Ishmael,

I'm Alex we've talked before,

I have just been answered by our department relevnate about the requested documentation.
I have been informed that the above tests have not been accepted because they are not considered
official documents.
They have confirmed to us that as an official document it could be a physical registration certificate where all the data appears, issued in the last 3 months and with the seal of your city council.
How can they not be worth an official electricity bill, a certificate of registration issued by my city council with identification QR and access to the document, an original water and garbage bill with QR? i don't understand anything, do I really have to go get something stamped that has already been issued to me? it's awesome
Antxon P
Complaints manager
Good afternoon. In that case, send them the registration certificate, but it must be from the last three months.
Good morning, Antxon. I have gone to my city hall and the official tells me that he cannot issue me the signed and stamped registration certificate since the one that is issued is with digital signature and electronic stamp and also has Qr and barcode to verify authentication.
However, I have taken advantage and yes I have signed the car receipt to that address and the garbage receipt, to that address. I've sent them everything. I will inform you of the answer.
Antxon P
Complaints manager
Good afternoon. In that case, keep us posted.
Then he will ask you, the covid passport, urinalysis and blood