How to add a complaint about a bookmaker

At Innovate Change we play fair. We always try to help or solve problems that users may have with bookmakers, but there are some complaints that we cannot review. These are complaints about illegal bookmakers (without a license in New Zealand) or bets placed in physical premises.

Here are some more examples of complaints that are outside our scope of action of Innovate Change and therefore, we can not help with them:

  • Bet cancelled on suspicion of rigging

  • Any problem related to the assignment of accounts or their use by third parties

  • Bets void for breaching the bookmaker's terms and conditions

  • Personal limitations. In this case you should add a comment or rating to help other users, instead of a complaint that we cannot solve / attend at Innovate Change.

If the complaint you want to add is within the above-mentioned list and you believe that the bookmaker has not behaved fairly towards you, we will try to help you but we do not promise anything.


We always request that the user first contact the bookmaker's Customer Service to find out the reason for the problem or the reason for the decision made. Only after you have contacted the bookmaker and received a response, we will be able to help you.

Please note that we only accept complaints that are a maximum of one month old.


Please remember that from Innovate Change we will never ask you for passwords to your accounts at bookmakers. Only in some cases, and by private, your email address to help you or send it to the bookmaker to review the case.

No one, except our complaint managers or managers, is authorized to solve the problems on behalf of our company.

We remind you that all communication between our team and users is carried out publicly through complaints and their comments. We do not get involved in complaints received by any other means, so please do not send private messages or emails as we will not be able to attend to them.

From Innovate Change we also recommend do not add any personal data (ID, address, surnames) in the complaints, nor attach any document that shows personal, confidential or sensitive information. All comments and complaints will be public.