Bookmakers to bet on politics and elections

Which political party will triumph in the upcoming elections? Who will be the next president of the country? Find out which are the bookmakers with general elections available in their offer of markets to place bets in New Zealand. In them you can bet on both national elections and those of other countries (United States, United Kingdom, etc.).

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Election betting - what you need to know

The national elections held every 4 years arouse great interest throughout the country. Therefore, bookmakers in recent years have decided to incorporate markets and offer policy odds. It is possible to bet on which political party will win the election, the seats they will get, or the percentage of votes they will get.

However, they are complex bets where you will have to follow some tips such as those we offer below.

Compare surveys

Polls are the best indicator of citizens' voting intention. Although they are not exact, they serve to get an idea of which parties can get more or less votes. However, there are few totally impartial surveys, so the best option will be to compare as many as possible, as well as look for those from impartial media or agencies.

There are newspapers of very marked ideologies whose polls are of little use, although it will not hurt to take a look at them too.

Reviewing the candidates

Despite the fact that the political party may have more or less popularity, there are candidates who are more successful or arouse greater confidence from voters. Analyzing the candidates of each political party is essential when making our predictions in the bookmakers with general elections.

Analyze political campaigns and debates

Political campaigns are another of the basic pillars of an election. In political campaigns and debates, candidates present their measures and proposals to improve the country if they win the elections, even if they do not always comply with them.

For this reason, a political party that proposes efficient, necessary measures that arouse the interest of the population will be able to get more votes than another whose measures are very indeterminate or not very useful.

These are just some of the basic tips for making election bets. Logically, other things must also be analyzed, such as possible pacts or voting intentions in the different Autonomous Communities that may exist.

Is it legal to bet on elections?

In New Zealand it is completely legal to offer markets in a general election bookmaker. There are no regulations that prohibit it and more and more bookmakers offer this type of betting or increase their offer of markets, since it arouses a lot of interest in sports betting fans.

It is also possible to bet on elections in other countries, such as those in the United States.

Types of political bets

The most popular bets are those of the national elections, although there are cases of popular automatic bets (such as Madrid, Andalusia or Barcelona) that arouse great interest and are also offered.

Speaking of the national elections, you can bet on numerous markets:

  • Most voted party
  • Election winner
  • Total number of seats for each party
  • Number of total voters
  • Bets on the Senate

The number of markets is wide and they are usually available in the election year for users to place their bets. These bets are not available for live betting, so you will have to make your predictions before Election day.

How to choose a bookmaker to bet on the elections?

Not all bookmakers offer bets for betting on the national elections. Therefore, the markets will have to be reviewed and check if they offer that market. These bets are usually available in the “Policy” (Bookmakers - policies), “Specials” or “Other” section.

There can be big differences between the different bookmakers with New Zealand elections to bet on the elections, even 1 or 2 seats or percentage points of votes. Therefore, the first step will be to compare the available markets and lines based on our forecast, and look for the bookmaker that has the most favorable line (and therefore, we will have more chances to win).

The next aspect to take into account, if the line offered is the same, is to choose the best possible quota. The higher the odds, the more benefits we will have betting the same amount of money.

It is also important to review the particular rules of each market, as they may have their particularities or be different depending on the bookmaker where we are betting. Logically, we will also have to pay attention to the exact name of the markets where we are betting, since it is not the same to bet on the winner of the elections as on the party that will get more seats or votes.

Best political events of 2024

Event Date
Presidential elections in South Korea March
Philippine presidential election May
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Legislative elections in France April
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General elections Serbia April
Federal Elections Australia May
Elections United Nations Security Council June
Parliamentary elections Slovenia June
General elections Sweden September
Presidential elections in Slovenia October
General elections Brazil October
United States Senate elections November

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