
We are delighted to announce that we have entered into a formal partnership with the Innovation Unit .

The Innovation Unit is one of the leading social innovation organizations in the world. It grew out of the UK Department for Education eleven years ago as a social enterprise that grows new solutions for thriving societies, and seeks bold change that enables thriving youth, thriving families and thriving communities. Innovation Unit works globally with bases in Australia and the United Kingdom.

The Innovation Unit has worked with government agencies and district health boards in New Zealand, and three of their directors, David Albury , Valerie Hannon and Anthony MacKay will be well known to many of our colleagues.

The Innovation Unit and innovate change have incredibly strong mission, values, and mindset alignment. We want to see similar change in our communities and societies. We know that we can have far more impact in the Asia Pacific region if we work together. So we have formed a partnership to do just that - working together to enable youth development/thriving youth; positive ageing; thriving communities and thriving families/whānau well-being.

Our partnership means we will share staff; have joint teams working on some projects and programmes; learn from, and support, each other; and collaborate to develop social innovation practice in the Asia Pacific region.

October 2017